Hire on


not background.

Skill testing software that automatically ranks candidates based on how well they can do the job.


Hire in 4 days, not 40.

All of Vervoe's skills assessments are instantly auto-graded to save you time. Candidates are automatically ranked based on how well they can do the job.

AI-powered ranking surfaces the top performers so you can focus on the best people.

Auto-grading for all assessment types, including coding, multiple-choice, video, documents and free-text.

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Predict performance by testing job-related skills.

See who can actually do the job. Surface the most qualified person based on how they perform tasks specific to your business.

Test technical and non-technical skills like coding, writing and sales.

Test soft skills including attention to detail, teamwork and ambiguity tolerance.

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Never make another bad hire.

Traditional job interviews don’t do the job, pun intended.


Remove bias by screening people in, not out.

Instead of screening people out based on background, make hiring inclusive by screening everyone in. Meet the top- performing candidates after their skills have been validated.

Allow every applicant to showcase their talent.

Increase hiring diversity and inclusion.

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